12″ x 24″ Side Entry Rotary Valve designed to meter beads without clipping or breaking the beads.
Bringing a 20-year-old Rotary Valve “back to life”.
12” x 24” Extended Length Rotary Valve use as an airlock at the discharge of a belt conveyor.
Young Industries refurbishes and repairs all manufactures Rotary Valves. We bring a 25″ x 30″ valve back to life to be in better than new condition.
18” Model HC Rotary Valve, 304S/S construction with special direct drive arrangement and Oblong vent for metering 80,000 lbs. per hour of food flake.
6” Model HC Rotary Valve with design pressure of 50 PSIG at an operating temperature of 900 degrees F uses heavy-wall housing for long service life.
A Rotary Valve specifically designed around the process. High operating temperature and Pressure with nozzles designed to interconnect with surrounding process equipment make this valve unique.